SOLD: $9,400 PER ACRE - NICE UNIMPROVED 80 ACRES M/L - Per Original Government Survey.
In the offering is really nice gently rolling 80 acre tract located just a couple of minutes from Hinton. Don had done a lot of work in keeping the farm in a high state of production and made some nice improvements on the waterway in the middle. I can’t think of a nicer way to get into the land market or add to your existing operation without laying out millions of dollars than this piece of ground. This farm has a lot going for it, just 1/4 of a mile off the highway, 2 miles from one of Northwest Iowa’s most noteworthy grain marketing facilities on the rail in Hinton, only a few short miles from the Merrill Ethanol Plant and Sioux City’s grain markets as well. The strength of any investment is due in large part to the sum of all the positives surrounding it, and this 80 seems to have a lot of positives going for it. As land consolidates more and more these tracts will become rarer and rarer, get ahead of the curve and add this one to your portfolio.