SOLD! $15,200 Per Acre – 66.65 Acres M/L of Unimproved Farmland in Union County, South Dakota – Delores Hofland Estate

The Pointe - 100 S Truman Lane Elk Point, SD 57025
September 08, 2023 - 10:00 AM
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SOLD! $15,200 Per Acre – 66.65 Acres M/L of Unimproved Farmland in Union County, South Dakota – Delores Hofland Estate

The Pointe - 100 S Truman Lane Elk Point, SD 57025

In this fantastic offering is approximately 66.65 acres of very nice South Dakota farmland placed minutes away from Elk Point, Vermillion, and Akron Iowa. Whether you are looking to make an addition to your portfolio or just getting started, this farm would be a great addition to your operation. With today’s modern farming practices being the focal point, we all know efficiency is vital to being successful and this farm offers just that. This farm lays nicely, features straight rows and is just miles away from numerous grain marketing and livestock facilities.
The Union County FSA shows 67.02 cropland acres with a 46.90-acre corn base with a 155-bushel PLC Yield Index. The NRCS Office shows the main soil types to be Whitewood silty clay with smaller amounts of Wentworth silty clay and Dempster silty clay. The weighted average productivity rating is 79.7.
There may be some uncertainties across headlines, but 1 thing for certain is the strength that Rural America has to keep moving forward. It takes foresight, determination, persistence and here is your chance to etch your name into the proud farming history. The opportunity doesn’t present itself very often in this area and I hope you will take a strong look at adding this highly productive farm to your operation. It can be the steppingstone that propels the legacy that you have always dreamed of. Best of Luck!