As you may have heard or read, we will not be having our regular Badgerland Hunter’s Expo in February. BUT we WILL be having our online auction! In fact it is live NOW! We have some great new offerings this year! Check it out!
We hope you will check this Badgerland auction and see what “dream hunt” or trip or vacation you will be going on in the next year or two! It is very easy to register as a bidder and join in on the fun. As an added bonus, our great Badgerland auctioneer, Bruce Brock will actually be LIVE at the culmination of the auction starting at 6:00 p.m. on February 13. If you go on the site at that time, you will see Bruce doing what he does best! You will be able to participate through your phone or computer as Bruce does his thing. As you hit the “bid now” button, you will immediately see Bruce taking your bid! Please check it out and SUPPORT OUR CHAPTER!